Sunday, September 20, 2009

Teaching Myself to Knit

I've been teaching myself to knit. A body can find a lot of help on youtube. These wash clothes are some of my first projects. I have been knitting like my life depended on it. I've made a neck scarf and a pair of fingerless gloves as well. Can you guess what people will be getting from me this Christmas? Right, something knitted! I am looking forward to making a wash clothe for each person on my list. I learned to knit in mid-August and am having so much fun. I love it!
If you "google" knitting patterns you can find many projects. I am looking forward to making a rug for my "new" laundry room. I might try my hand at "felting". It looks so easy. The computer can be put to such good use. Hope you are enjoying yours.
Thanks for looking.

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