Monday, April 6, 2009

Poppy-Seed Muffins

These muffins are a big hit at our house. I found them at a website called All Recipes . I try to keep a batch of them in the freezer so that I can pop them into my husbands lunch. He enjoys a sweet snack about mid-morning with a cup of coffee, why not something from home. He saves a dollar every time he finds a treat from home in his lunch box.

Do you see that this picture has jumbo size as well as the regular muffin size? I have brownies in the freezer for this week. I think I'll get to it and make a batch of these as well. Variety is nice.

Gavin helping himself to a muffin.


Barb said...

Becky, they look so delicious! Yum.


Ruthie said...

mmmm! looks so great! and another iconic picture of gavin baby :D

Becky said...

I hope you are able to try your skills at making these muffins. They are truly disastrous for the waist line. Your dad even says they are really sweet. The last time I made these, instead of dipping them into the glaze, I brushed it on.

Barb said...

Becky, do think about joining Blue Monday...Pink Saturday...Outdoor Wednesday and so on. It is a great way to meet new friends and to get yourself 'out there'...which is so hard to do when you first start blogging. (all info is on my sidebar)

Your blog is wonderful!


Ruthie said...

so.. what is the recipe??? :) i think maybe ill use this in one of the classes... looks like i'll only be doing two classes... i need a couple of recipes in each class though... they said the last guy did 3 entrees, but maybe doing an entree and a dessert will be good.... any suggestions would be awesome.. especially if theyre a little quick.. we only have and hour and a half for the class...

Becky said...

I will... thanks for the encouragement... I have actually thought about it several times this week since your kind encouragement.
Have a nice Good Friday!